Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Is mobile technology

Is mobile technology fucking with society?

Let me elaborate. I'm sitting at a trendy coffee shop in Houston, and as I look around I see quiet readers, college kids getting their caffiene fix, people watchers, and in the day and age - the inevitible; techies wrapped up in their mobile devices. It seems like everywhere I look kids' conversaion and socilizing is being I interrupted by the use of their iPhones. When did this become okay? Just the other day I was spending long-lost time with old high school friends in a rather quiet and intimate environment. Of course we each had our phones at our sides the whole time, and whenever they went off, I woul only be rude tothe sender not to answer. But what about us? It seems as though my conversations keep becomming interrupted by communication on the outside. I mean even right now, I'm sitting with my friend Lindsay, trying to play a game of backgammon, but instead I'm writing this blog, and she is texting a friends named reuy asking for boy advice. Are conversations becomming limited to only what can fit into an text bubble? And whatever can command our attention just long enough to respond? Where are our social skills headed with this kind of interaction? Are our wal social circles turning from something tangible to something a bit more...technological?

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