Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Honey is as Delicious as Wikipedia is Informative

I've always believed honey has medicinal properties. I've sipped honey when I suffered a sore throat, I have rubbed honey into burns, and of course, I have dripped honey over my English muffins. My love for this serum inspired me to read up all about honey, on Wikipedia of course. I poked through Wikipedia's entry on honey, and I saw nothing about its medicinal traits, so I decided to add it in, so that others could share in this useful knowledge.

Under the Hitsory, Culture and Folklore section, I added that "Some cultures believe honey has many practical health uses. It was used as an ointment for rashes and burns, and used to help soothe sore throats when no other medicinal practices were available." I personally agree with this statement, and I wish other to try it as well, unless their allergies don't allow them to!

Update: Even a week and a half after updating the page, my entry has not been edited. I am surprised by this because although I feel this is useful information, I have no legitimate citations to back up my cause. However, my entry is quite minimal, and under a wiki page that probably isn't visited so often, so I can see how it has gone unnoticed.

Update #2: Even after a month and a half (and my confession via this blog) my wikipedia entry still hasn't been edited or deleted! Cool!

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